Explore the World & Adventure in Science
Lab W |
Explore the World & Adventure in Science
We are a group of scientists from
� ZJU-UoE Institute
working on decoding puzzles in bio-medical sciences. Topics we are interested
in include
regulation of transposable elements in stem cells and cancer,
technology and
algorithm development.
By combining both
"wet lab"
(experimental 🔬) and
"dry lab"
(computational 💻) approaches, we hope to provide our unique expertises in advancing
our understandings for bio-medical sciences.
我们是一群æ�¥è‡ªæµ™æ±Ÿå¤§å¦çˆ±ä¸�å ¡å¤§å¦è�”å�ˆå¦é™¢ ğŸ�«çš„生物医å¦æ–¹å�‘的科å¦å®¶ã€‚æˆ‘ä»¬ç ”ç©¶çš„å†…å®¹åŒ…æ‹¬å¹²ç»†èƒ�细èƒ�命è¿�决定ä¸çš„ 表观é�—ä¼ è°ƒæ�§æœºåˆ¶ï¼Œ åŸºå› ç»„å¦å¤§æ•°æ�®æŒ–æ�˜ä»¥å�Š 生物信æ�¯ç®—法å�Šå·¥å…· çš„å¼€å�‘。我们å®�验室由一群æ�¥è‡ªç”Ÿç‰©å¦ã€�临床医å¦ã€�基础医å¦ã€�生物医å¦ä»¥å�Šç”Ÿç‰©ä¿¡æ�¯å¦ä¸�å�Œå¦ç§‘背景的å�šå£«å��ã€�ç ”ç©¶ç”Ÿã€�ç§‘ç ”åŠ©ç�†å�Šæœ¬ç§‘生组æˆ�。通过â€�å¹²å®�验“(计算相关 💻)以å�Šâ€�湿å®�验“(å®�验技术 🔬)相结å�ˆçš„手段,我们希望以我们独特的视角æ�¥ç ”究生物医å¦ä¸é‡�è¦�的科å¦é—®é¢˜ã€‚
Assistant Professor, ZJU-UoE institute, Zhejiang University
📧 👩��💻 Personal Homepage @ ZJUM.S., Clinal Medicine (Ophthalmology), Wenzhou Medical University
📧, Clinical Medicine (Surgery), Zhejiang University
📧, Applied Bioscience, Zhejiang University
📧 xxyxiangxinyu@163.comB.Eng.,Bioengineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology
📧 971223798@qq.comMajor in Biomedical science, ZJU-UoE Institute, Zhejiang University
📧 in Biomedical science, ZJU-UoE Institute, Zhejiang University
📧 Personal websiteMajor in Bioinformatics, Huazhong Agricultural University
📧 Personal websiteMajor in Biotechnology , Yunnan University
📧 in Bioinformatics, ZJU-UoE Institute, Zhejiang University
📧 in Marine Biology, Hohai University
📧 in Biotechnology, Harbin Institute of Technology
📧 in Information Management and Information System, China Pharmaceutical University
📧 in Bioengineering, Ningbo Tech University
📧 in Biological Sciences, Zhejiang University
📧 in Management and information system, University of Manchester
📧 in Clinical medicine, Shandong University
📧 in pharmacy, Jilin University
📧 in Bioinformatics, ZJU-UoE Institute, Zhejiang University
📧 in Bioinformatics, ZJU-UoE Institute, Zhejiang University
📧 in Biomedical Informatics, ZJU-UoE Institute, Zhejiang University
📧 in Biological Sciences, ZJU-UoE Institute, Zhejiang University
📧 B.S., Biomedical Science, Zhejiang University
B.S., Biomedical Science,
University of Edinburgh
Major in Biomedical Sciences, ZJU-UoE Institute, Zhejiang Univeristy
📧 in Bioinformatics, ZJU-UoE Institute, Zhejiang Univeristy
📧 in Bioinformatics, ZJU-UoE Institute, Zhejiang Univeristy
📧 in Bioinformatics, ZJU-UoE Institute, Zhejiang Univeristy
📧 in Biomedical Science, ZJU-UoE Institute, Zhejiang University
📧 in Bioinformatics, ZJU-UoE Institute, Zhejiang University
📧 in Bioinformatics, ZJU-UoE Institute, Zhejiang University
📧 in Bioinformatics, ZJU-UoE Institute,Zhejiang University
📧 in Bioinformatics, ZJU-UoE Institute, Zhejiang University
📧 in Bioinformatics, ZJU-UoE Institute, Zhejiang Univeristy feeMajor in Bioinformatics, ZJU-UoE Institute, Zhejiang Univeristy
📧 in Bioinformatics, ZJU-UoE Institute, Zhejiang University
📧 in Biomedical Science, ZJU-UoE Institute, Zhejiang University
📧 in Biomedical Science, ZJU-UoE Institute, Zhejiang University
📧 in Bioinformatics, ZJU-UoE Institute, Zhejiang University
📧 in Bioinformatics, ZJU-UoE Institute, Zhejiang University
📧 in Bioinformatics, ZJU-UoE Institute, Zhejiang University
📧 in Biomedical Science, ZJU-UoE Institute, Zhejiang University
📧 in Stem cell and regenerative medicine, Zhejiang University
📧, Bioinformatics, Southwest JiaoTong University
📧 in Bioinformatics, ZJU-UoE Institute, Zhejiang University
📧 in Bioinformatics, ZJU-UoE Institute, Zhejiang University
📧 in Bioinformatics, ZJU-UoE Institute, Zhejiang University
📧 in Bioinformatics, ZJU-UoE Institute, Zhejiang University
sacar gate ioMajor in Bioinformatics, ZJU-UoE Institute, Zhejiang University
📧 in Horticulture, Zhejiang University
📧 in Clinical medicine, Nanjing Medical University
📧 in Bioinformatics, ZJU-UoE Institute, Zhejiang University
📧 - Region Associated DEG is a web tool to identify region associated differentially expressed genes.
The Human Antigen Receptor Database.
The germlineTE single-cell dataset visualizer.
An integrated expression atlas of human musculoskeletal system.
A314, ZJU-UoE Institute,
718 East Haizhou Rd., Haining, Zhejiang 314400, P.R. China
A314, 浙江大å¦çˆ±ä¸�å ¡å¤§å¦è�”å�ˆå¦é™¢
浙江�海�市海�东路 718 �,邮编:314400
We are alwasys looking for motivated and creative researchers specialized in
Biology, Cellular Biology,
Bioinformatics, Computer
Statistics and Engineering
to join us.
If you are interested in being part of the Lab W, please send your CV and a short research
interests to
are : postdocs, graduate students, research assistants , undergraduate research interns.
感谢您对我们å®�验室的兴趣,我们å®�验室长期欢è¿�ä¸�å�ŒèƒŒæ™¯åŒ…括分å�生物å¦ã€�细èƒ�生物å¦ã€�生物信æ�¯å¦ã€�计算机科å¦ã€�统计å¦ã€�和工科背景的å�šå£«å��ã€�ç ”ç©¶ç”Ÿã€�ç§‘ç ”åŠ©ç�†ã€�æœ¬ç§‘ç”ŸåŠ å…¥æˆ‘ä»¬ã€‚å¦‚æ�œä½ å¯¹åŠ å…¥æˆ‘ä»¬æ„Ÿå…´è¶£ï¼Œæ¬¢è¿�您å�‘é€�一份简å�†ï¼ˆCV)以å�Šä¸€æ®µç®€çŸçš„ç ”ç©¶å…´è¶£åˆ°
Wanlu Liu is an Assistant Professor in the ZJE institute at Zhejiang University. She is a former postdoctoral researcher in the department of Molecular Cellular and Developmental Biology at the University of California, Los Angeles, where she received a Ph.D. in molecular biology from the Molecular Biology Institute. She is passionate about building bioinformatics tools, mining big genomics data, and uncovering epigenetic mechanisms. She enjoys painting, photography, and playing badminton. She dreams of one day going pro in photography.
刘ç�¬ç’�,浙江大å¦çˆ±ä¸�å ¡å¤§å¦è�”å�ˆå¦é™¢åŠ©ç�†æ•™æ�ˆã€�ç ”ç©¶å‘˜ã€�å�šå£«ç”Ÿå¯¼å¸ˆã€‚本科毕业äº�浙江大å¦åŸºç¡€åŒ»å¦å›½å®¶ç�†ç§‘基地ç�,å�–得医å¦å¦å£«å¦ä½�。å�šå£«æ¯•ä¸šäº�ç¾�å›½åŠ å·�大å¦æ´›æ�‰çŸ¶åˆ†æ ¡ã€‚ç ”ç©¶å…´è¶£ä¸ºï¼šæ�„建生物信æ�¯å¦åˆ†æ��工具ã€�挖æ�˜åŸºå› 组å¦å¤§æ•°æ�®ä»¥å�Šæ�¢ç´¢è¡¨è§‚é�—ä¼ è°ƒæ�§æœºåˆ¶ã€‚在å¦æœ¯ä¸�æ•™å¦ä»¥å¤–,她还喜欢画画ã€�摄影以å�Šç¾½æ¯›ç�ƒã€‚曾在æŸ�游æˆ�ä¸è¿�抽600å¼ ç¥�秘符咒ä¸�出SSRä»�而达æˆ�â€�é��洲大阴阳师“称å�·ã€‚
Siqian Jin is a PhD student at Zhejiang University, ZJU-UoE institute. She gained a M.S. (Ophthalmology) from School of Ophthalmology & Optometry, Wenzhou Mecdical University. Three years'research training in Laboratory for Stem Cell & Retinal Regeneration let her specialize in stem cell related experiments. She has a wide range of hobbies, especially Chinese chess, woodworking, Kendo, and running.
金飔倩,浙江大å¦çˆ±ä¸�å ¡å¤§å¦è�”å�ˆå¦é™¢å�šå£«ç”Ÿã€‚本科毕业äº�山东大å¦ä¸´åºŠåŒ»å¦é™¢ä¸´åºŠåŒ»å¦ä¸“业。硕士毕业äº�温å·�医科大å¦çœ¼è§†å…‰å¦é™¢ã€�生物医å¦å·¥ç¨‹å¦é™¢çœ¼ç§‘å¦ä¸“业。她擅长干细èƒ�相关å®�验,尤其是胚èƒ�干细èƒ�。她业余爱好广泛,比较喜欢ä¸å›½è±¡æ£‹ï¼Œæœ¨å·¥æ‰‹å·¥ï¼Œå‰‘é�“,长跑,å�¦å¤–还很喜欢å�ƒå�„ç§�å°�å�ƒç¾�食。
Dengfeng Ruan is a PhD student majoring in orthopedics at Zhejiang University School of Medicine. He obtained a M.S. in Surgery and recived standardized residency training in The Second Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine. And he now receives scientific research training in Lab W. His research intersects include development/regeneration of musculoskeletal system and biology of mesenchymal stem cells. He enjoys traveling and experiencing various cultures, sights and lives. He also had a wide-range interests in cooking, reading, handicraft and so on.
阮登峰,浙江大å¦åŒ»å¦é™¢å¤–科å¦ï¼ˆéª¨ç§‘)å�šå£«ç”Ÿã€‚本科毕业äº�温å·�医科大å¦ä¸´åºŠåŒ»å¦ä¸“业,硕士毕业äº�浙江大å¦åŒ»å¦é™¢å¤–科å¦ä¸“业,并äº�浙江大å¦åŒ»å¦é™¢é™„å±�第二医院完æˆ�ä½�院医师规范化培è®ã€‚ç›®å‰�他在å®�验室æ�¥å�—è�”å�ˆåŸ¹å…»ï¼Œç ”究方å�‘为è¿�动系统的å�‘育ä¸�å†�生以å�Šé—´å……质干细èƒ�的分化命è¿�è°ƒæ�§ã€‚他的业余爱好广泛,对å�šé¥ã€�手工ã€�羽毛ç�ƒã€�乒乓ç�ƒç‰éƒ½æœ‰å…´è¶£ï¼Œå�¦å¤–他喜欢旅行å�»è§�å�„ç§�æ–°çš„é£�景。
Xinyu Xiang is a PhD student majoring in bioinformatics at ZJE institution of Zhejiang University. She obtained an Applied Bioscience' Degree from College of Agriculture and Biotechnology in Zhejiang University. By making use of multi-omics data integration analysis as well as stem cell cultivation and induction techniques, she is exploring the mechanism of stem cell and early embryo development. Ms.Xiang has a wide range of interests, she likes experience local culture while traveling and tries to be an avid gym goer.
相欣雨,浙江大å¦çˆ±ä¸�å ¡å¤§å¦è�”å�ˆå¦é™¢ç”Ÿç‰©ä¿¡æ�¯å¦å�šå£«ç”Ÿã€‚本科毕业äº�浙江大å¦å†œä¸šä¸�生物技术å¦é™¢ã€‚å¥¹çš„ç ”ç©¶æ–¹å�‘是:利用多组å¦æ•°æ�®æ•´å�ˆåˆ†æ��ä¸�挖æ�˜å’Œå¹²ç»†èƒ�培养ä¸�诱导技术æ�¢ç´¢å¹²ç»†èƒ�ä¸�早期胚èƒ�å�‘育调æ�§æœºåˆ¶ã€‚她喜欢说走就走的旅行,å�Œæ—¶ä¹Ÿæ˜¯å�¥èº«æˆ¿å…»è€�å�‹é€‰æ‰‹ã€‚
Bing Gao is a PhD Student of bioinformatics at Zhejiang University. He graduated from Beijing University of Chemical Technology and majored in Bioengineering. He currently engaged in protein purification in the laboratory. He loves sports, fitness + various ball sports, especially running and trail, and often participates in marathon and trail running events.
高兵是浙江大å¦ç”Ÿç‰©ä¿¡æ�¯å¦ä¸“业的å�šå£«ç”Ÿï¼Œæœ¬ç§‘毕业äº�北京化工大å¦ç”Ÿç‰©å·¥ç¨‹ä¸“业,目å‰�在å®�验室ä»�事蛋白纯化工作。他çƒçˆ±è¿�动,å�¥èº« + å�„ç§�ç�ƒç±»è¿�动,尤其喜欢跑æ¥å’ŒTrail,ç»�常å�‚åŠ é©¬æ‹‰æ�¾èµ›äº‹å’Œè¶Šé‡�跑赛事。
Ziwei Xue is a PhD student major in bioinformatics at ZJE institution of Zhejiang University. My research interests include: Developing bioinformatic applications to analyze multi-omics data. I love exploring unknown in the field of bioinformatics, and I also enjoy designing graphics and websites. Coding is my both professional and amateurish habit. I am quite an Otaku so try not bother me when I am not busy (unless...)
我是浙江大å¦æµ™æ±Ÿå¤§å¦ç”Ÿç‰©ä¿¡æ�¯å¦ä¸“业的å�šå£«ç”Ÿã€‚ç ”ç©¶å…´è¶£ä¸ºï¼šé€šè¿‡ç”Ÿç‰©ä¿¡æ�¯å¦çš„手段,开å�‘相关的程å¼�/算法解决多组å¦åˆ†æ��的问题。我喜欢æ�¢ç´¢ç”Ÿç‰©ä¿¡æ�¯å¦é¢†åŸŸçš„未知事物,也喜欢平é�¢è®¾è®¡å’Œæ�„建好看的网站。Coding是我专业和业余的爱好。是个ç�°å……,所以在我ä¸�忙的时候ä¸�è¦�打扰我(除é��是帅哥ç¾�女)。ğŸ�¸ğŸ�¾å�¯çº¦ã€‚
Lize Wu is a PhD student majoring in immunology and bioinformatics at Zhejiang University School of Medicine. He obtained the bachelor degree in biomedical science from Zhejiang University. His research interests are developing bioinformatic tools to analyze immunology-related data and revealing immunological mechanism by both dry- and wet-lab approaches. Lize is facinated with travelling and flying.
å�´åˆ©åˆ™ï¼Œæµ™æ±Ÿå¤§å¦åŒ»å¦é™¢å…�ç–«å¦ä¸�生物信æ�¯å¦äº¤å�‰åŸ¹å…»å�šå£«ç”Ÿï¼Œæœ¬ç§‘毕业äº�浙江大å¦å¹¶è�·å¾—生物医å¦å¦å£«å¦ä½�ã€‚åˆ©åˆ™çš„ç ”ç©¶å…´è¶£æ˜¯å¼€å�‘生物信æ�¯å¦å·¥å…·ç”¨ä»¥æŒ–æ�˜åˆ†æ��å…�ç–«å¦ç›¸å…³æ•°æ�®ï¼Œä»¥å�Šä½¿ç”¨æ¹¿å®�验和干å®�éªŒçš„æ‰‹æ®µç ”ç©¶å…�ç–«å¦æœºåˆ¶ã€‚生活上,利则å��分ç�€è¿·äº�旅行以å�Šå’Œé£�行有关的事情。
Xinyi Chen is a Master Student of bioinformatics in the ZJE institute at Zhejiang University. She graduated from College of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Zhejiang University. Her research interests are using bioinformatics, molecular and cellular approaches to study the development/diseases of musculoskeletal system. She is a person who loves life and likes traveling and photography in her spare time. Traveling around the world is her biggest dream.
陈心怡,浙江大å¦çˆ±ä¸�å ¡å¤§å¦è�”å�ˆå¦é™¢ç”Ÿç‰©ä¿¡æ�¯å¦ä¸“业硕士生。本科毕业äº�浙江大å¦å†œä¸šä¸�生物技术å¦é™¢ã€‚ç ”ç©¶å…´è¶£ä¸ºï¼šåˆ©ç”¨ç”Ÿç‰©ä¿¡æ�¯å¦ã€�分å�生物å¦å’Œç»†èƒ�生物å¦ç‰å¤šå¦ç§‘交å�‰æ‰‹æ®µç ”究间充质干细èƒ�的分化命è¿�è°ƒæ�§ã€‚她是个çƒçˆ±ç”Ÿæ´»çš„人,空闲时间喜欢旅游和摄影,ç�¯æ¸¸ä¸–界是她最大的梦想。
Ruonan Tian is a PhD Student of bioinformatics in the ZJE institute at Zhejiang University. She graduated from Huazhong Agricultural University, majoring in bioinformatics. For her, learning or trying something new is an enjoyable thing. Doing research and exploring new research fileds are also what she enjoys . She loves various sports, such as badminton, basketball and so on. Besides, she is a fangirl who changes idols frequently.
ç”°è‹¥æ¥ ï¼Œæµ™æ±Ÿå¤§å¦çˆ±ä¸�å ¡å¤§å¦è�”å�ˆå¦é™¢ç”Ÿç‰©ä¿¡æ�¯å¦ä¸“业å�šå£«ç”Ÿï¼Œæœ¬ç§‘毕业äº�å��ä¸å†œä¸šå¤§å¦ä¿¡æ�¯å¦é™¢ç”Ÿç‰©ä¿¡æ�¯å¦ä¸“业。对äº�她æ�¥è¯´ï¼Œå°�试新东西是一件很快ä¹�çš„äº‹æƒ…ï¼Œå› æ¤å¥¹ä¹Ÿå–œæ¬¢å�šç ”究。她喜欢å�„ç§�è¿�动,比如羽毛ç�ƒã€�篮ç�ƒã€�è·‘æ¥ç‰ï¼Œå�Œæ—¶å¥¹è¿˜æ˜¯ä¸€ä¸ªæ�¢å¢™å¤´é��常频ç¹�的追星女å©ï¼Œæ¼‚亮的å°�å§�å§�å’Œå°�哥哥令她感到愉悦。
Yuhui Chen earned her Bachelor's degree in Marine Biology from Hohai University and is currently pursuing a Master's degree in Bioinformatics at the Zhejiang University-University of Edinburgh Institute. With a keen aspiration to make intriguing discoveries, she is fueled by curiosity and a profound passion for the world. Yuhui enjoys reading, painting, watching movies, and attending theatrical performances in her leisure time. Solitude, for her, is a joyful avenue for self-reflection.
陈雨å�‰ï¼Œæœ¬ç§‘毕业äº�河海大å¦æµ·æ´‹ç”Ÿç‰©ä¸“业,ç�°ç¡•å£«å°±è¯»äº�浙江大å¦çˆ±ä¸�å ¡å¤§å¦è�”å�ˆå¦é™¢ç”Ÿç‰©ä¿¡æ�¯å¦ä¸“业。她对世界充满好奇和çƒçˆ±ï¼Œå¸Œæœ›èƒ½æ‰¾åˆ°ä¸€äº›æœ‰è¶£çš„å�‘ç�°ï¼Œä¸šä½™æ—¶é—´å–œæ¬¢è¯»ä¹¦ç»˜ç”»ï¼Œä¹Ÿå–œæ¬¢ç”µå½±å’Œæˆ�剧,对她æ�¥è¯´ï¼Œç‹¬å¤„是一ç§�é��常快ä¹�的自我交æµ�æ–¹å¼�。
Weikai Shi is a Master Student of biology in the ZJE institute at Zhejiang University. He graduated from Harbin Institute of Technology with a bachelor degree in biotechnology. His recent research is focus on revealing human embryonic stem cells heterogeneity. He has broad interests, especially basketball, table tennis and some other ball games. Also, he loves lovely cats and dogs.
石ç�®å‡¯ï¼Œæµ™æ±Ÿå¤§å¦çˆ±ä¸�å ¡å¤§å¦è�”å�ˆå¦é™¢ç”Ÿç‰©å¦ç¡•å£«ç”Ÿã€‚本科毕业äº�哈尔滨工业大å¦ç”Ÿå‘½ç§‘å¦ä¸�技术å¦é™¢ã€‚他当å‰�çš„ç ”ç©¶æ–¹å�‘是:利用谱系追踪技术æ�示人类胚èƒ�干细èƒ�的异质性。他兴趣爱好广泛,喜欢篮ç�ƒã€�乒乓ç�ƒç‰å�„ç§�ç�ƒç±»è¿�动;也喜欢å�¯çˆ±çš„喵星人和汪星人。
Guo Linnan is a master student in pharmaceutical engineering from the College of Engineering, Zhejiang University. She has a bachelor's degree in information management and information systems from China Pharmaceutical University. She hopes to help others by improving her profession. Besides work and study, she enjoys reading, sports and comedy. Spending time with family and friends and tasting various foods also make her feel happy.
国æ�—æ¥ ï¼Œæµ™æ±Ÿå¤§å¦å·¥ç¨‹å¸ˆå¦é™¢åˆ¶è�¯å·¥ç¨‹ä¸“ä¸šç¡•å£«ç ”ç©¶ç”Ÿï¼Œæœ¬ç§‘æ¯•ä¸šäº�ä¸å›½è�¯ç§‘大å¦ä¿¡æ�¯ç®¡ç�†ä¸�ä¿¡æ�¯ç³»ç»Ÿä¸“业。她希望能够通过精进专业ä»�而帮助他人。工作å¦ä¹ 之余,她喜欢阅读ã€�è¿�动和喜剧,ä¸�亲å�‹ç›¸å¤„以å�Šå“�å°�å�„ç§�ç¾�食也令她觉得人间值得。
Jiongxin Wang is a PhD Student of bioinformatics in the ZJE institute at Zhejiang University. He graduated from Hohai University with a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in management and information systems from the University of Manchester. His research interests include: the application of deep learning on multi-omics data and algorithm development. As for hobbies, Jiongxin is interested in various sports and coffee.
ç�‹ç‚…鑫,浙江大å¦çˆ±ä¸�å ¡å¤§å¦è�”å�ˆå¦é™¢ç”Ÿç‰©ä¿¡æ�¯å¦ä¸“业å�šå£«ç”Ÿï¼Œæœ¬ç§‘毕业äº�河海大å¦ï¼Œç¡•å£«æ¯•ä¸šäº�曼彻斯特大å¦ç®¡ç�†ä¸�ä¿¡æ�¯ç³»ç»Ÿä¸“ä¸šã€‚ç ”ç©¶å…´è¶£ä¸ºï¼šæ·±åº¦å¦ä¹ 在多组å¦æ•°æ�®ä¸Šçš„应用。生活ä¸ï¼Œä»–çƒçˆ±å�„类体育è¿�动和咖啡。
Li Ziyang is a joint Ph.D. student in Bioinformatics at the ZJE institute of Zhejiang University and Clinical Medicine at Zhejiang University. He graduated from Shandong University with a master's degree in Clinical Medicine. He has a cheerful personality and enjoys various sports activities such as basketball, swimming, and table tennis. Beyond the confines of academia and athletics, he passionately embraces the rhythmic pedals of cycling and the culinary delights of gastronomy.
æ��å�阳,浙江大å¦çˆ±ä¸�å ¡å¤§å¦è�”å�ˆå¦é™¢ç”Ÿç‰©ä¿¡æ�¯å¦ä¸�浙江大å¦ä¸´åºŠåŒ»å¦è�”å�ˆåŸ¹å…»å�šå£«ç”Ÿï¼Œç ”究生毕业äº�山东大å¦ä¸´åºŠåŒ»å¦ä¸“ä¸šã€‚ä»–æ€§æ ¼å¼€æœ—ï¼Œå–œæ¬¢ç¯®ç�ƒã€�游泳ã€�乒乓ç�ƒç‰å�„类体育活动。å�Œæ—¶ï¼Œä»–也çƒè¡·äº�骑行和ç¾�食,ç¾�丽的é£�景和å�¯å�£çš„食物是最å�¸å¼•ä»–的事物。
Yin Xirui is a Ph.D. student majoring in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at ZJE. She received her bachelor's degree in Food Science and Engineering from Northeast Agricultural University and her master's degree in pharmacy from Jilin University. Her current research interests are T cell receptors. She is an optimistic person about life, loves to explore different fields, and likes to watch movies and travel to different cities.
殷夕芮,浙江大å¦çˆ±ä¸�å ¡å¤§å¦è�”å�ˆå¦é™¢ç”Ÿç‰©åŒ–å¦ä¸�分å�生物å¦ä¸“业å�šå£«ç”Ÿï¼Œæœ¬ç§‘毕业äº�东北农业大å¦é£Ÿå“�科å¦ä¸�工程专业,硕士毕业äº�å�‰æ�—大å¦è�¯å¦ä¸“业,目å‰�çš„ç ”ç©¶æ–¹å�‘为T细èƒ�å�—ä½“çš„ç ”ç©¶ã€‚å¥¹æ˜¯ä¸€ä¸ªå¯¹ç”Ÿæ´»ç§¯æ��ä¹�观的人,çƒçˆ±æ�¢ç´¢ä¸�å�Œçš„领域,平时喜欢看电影和å�»ä¸�å�Œçš„åŸ�市旅行。
Yutong Huang, an undergraduate student majoring in Bioinformatics at the Zhejiang University-University of Edinburgh Institute, plans to pursue a Ph.D. in Biology directly in the future. She enjoys singing, playing the piano, and dancing. Additionally, she likes reading novels and following K-pop in her leisure time.
黄雨彤,浙江大å¦çˆ±ä¸�å ¡å¤§å¦è�”å�ˆå¦é™¢ç”Ÿç‰©ä¿¡æ�¯å¦ä¸“业本科生,未æ�¥é€‰æ‹©ç›´æ�¥æ”»è¯»ç”Ÿç‰©å¦å�šå£«ã€‚她爱好唱æŒã€�é’¢ç�´ã€�èˆ�蹈ç‰ï¼Œä¸šä½™æ—¶é—´è¿˜å–œæ¬¢é˜…读å°�说和关注kpop。
Bingkang Zhao, an undergraduate student majoring in Bioinformatics at the Zhejiang University-University of Edinburgh Institute. Currently, his research interests lie in the application of deep learning in biology. Besides work and study, he has a passion for Pokémon and reptiles. In his spare time, he enjoys playing Pokémon Trading Card Game (ptcg).
赵炳康,浙江大å¦çˆ±ä¸�å ¡å¤§å¦è�”å�ˆå¦é™¢ç”Ÿç‰©ä¿¡æ�¯å¦ä¸“业本科生,目å‰�ç ”ç©¶å…´è¶£ä¸ºæ·±åº¦å¦ä¹ 在生物领域的应用,他喜爱å®�å�¯æ¢¦å�Šçˆ¬è¡Œç±»ï¼Œä¸šä½™æ—¶é—´å–œæ¬¢ç�©å®�å�¯æ¢¦å�¡ç‰Œã€‚
Luyao Zhang, Master of Biomedicine, Edinburgh United College, Zhejiang University. She graduated from Ningbo Institute of Technology, Zhejiang University with a bachelor's degree, majoring in bioengineering. One year after she graduated from undergraduate course, she worked as an R&D assistant for protein purification. She likes music, visiting shops and discovering new things in life.
å¼ ç’�瑶,浙江大å¦çˆ±ä¸�å ¡è�”å�ˆå¦é™¢ç”Ÿç‰©åŒ»å¦ç¡•å£«åœ¨è¯»ã€‚本科毕业äº�浙大å®�æ³¢ç�†å·¥å¦é™¢ï¼Œç”Ÿç‰©å·¥ç¨‹ä¸“业。本科毕业å��的一年担任蛋白纯化方å�‘çš„ç ”å�‘助ç�†ã€‚喜欢音ä¹�,喜欢å�»æ�¢åº—,å�‘ç�°ç”Ÿæ´»ä¸çš„新鲜事物。期待ä¸�大家共å�Œäº¤æµ�,一起解é”�更多新知识。
Hongchen Zhu, graduated from Zhejiang University with a bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences and is currently pursuing Master of Biomedicine, Edinburgh United College, Zhejiang University. He engages in research related to human embryonic stem cells. He enjoy reading and music, as well as watching interesting movies and TV dramas, or engaging in some solitude and contemplation.
朱洪辰,本科毕业äº�浙江大å¦ï¼Œç”Ÿç‰©ç§‘å¦ä¸“业。目å‰�浙江大å¦çˆ±ä¸�å ¡è�”å�ˆå¦é™¢ç”Ÿç‰©åŒ»å¦ç¡•å£«åœ¨è¯»ï¼Œä»�事人类胚èƒ�干细èƒ�相关方é�¢çš„ç ”ç©¶ã€‚ä»–çˆ±å¥½è¯»ä¹¦å’ŒéŸ³ä¹�,也喜欢看一些有趣的电影和电视剧,或者进行一些独处ä¸�æ€�考。
Zhouyue Zhu, an undergraduate majoring in Bioinformatics at the ZJU-UoE Institute. He always maintains curiosity about novel things and is full of passion for life. He loves photography and enjoys taking his camera out to capture brilliant moments in life.
朱周越,浙江大å¦çˆ±ä¸�å ¡å¤§å¦è�”å�ˆå¦é™¢ç”Ÿç‰©ä¿¡æ�¯å¦æœ¬ç§‘生。他永远对新奇的事物ä¿�æŒ�好奇心,对生活充满çƒçˆ±ã€‚ä»–çƒçˆ±æ‘„影,喜欢带ç�€ç›¸æœºå‡ºå�»èµ°èµ°ï¼Œå–œæ¬¢åœ¨ç”Ÿæ´»å’Œæ—…途ä¸è®°å½•çœ¼ä¸çœ‹åˆ°çš„ç¾�好ç�¬é—´ã€‚
Anni Gao is an undergraduate student majoring in Biomedical Informatics at Zhejiang University-University of Edinburgh Institute. Currently, she is working on data analysis and processing related to transposons in early embryonic development. She is positive about life and keeps curious about new things. To relax, she likes to sing and listen to music. She also likes to do all kinds of handicrafts to immerse herself in her own time.
高安妮,浙江大å¦çˆ±ä¸�å ¡å¤§å¦è�”å�ˆå¦é™¢ç”Ÿç‰©ä¿¡æ�¯å¦ä¸“业本科生。目å‰�致力äº�早期胚èƒ�å�‘育ä¸è½¬åº§å�相关的数æ�®åˆ†æ��处ç�†å·¥ä½œã€‚她积æ��é�¢å¯¹ç”Ÿæ´»ï¼Œå¯¹æ–°é²œäº‹ç‰©ä¿�æŒ�好奇心。生活ä¸ï¼Œå¥¹å–œæ¬¢å”±æŒå’Œå�¬éŸ³ä¹�放æ�¾å¿ƒæƒ…,也喜欢å�šå�„ç§�手工沉浸度过å±�äº�自己的时间。
Hong'an Chen is an undergraduate biomedical student at the ZJU-UoE Institute in Zhejiang University. She has a habit of finding beauty in the quiet and solitude of daily life. In her free time, she enjoys watching musicals, through which she explores new languages and cultures. She sees this as a wonderful way to broaden her horizons.
陈虹安,浙江大å¦çˆ±ä¸�å ¡å¤§å¦è�”å�ˆå¦é™¢ç”Ÿç‰©åŒ»å¦æœ¬ç§‘ç”Ÿã€‚å¥¹ä¹ æƒ¯åœ¨å¹³é�™å’Œç‹¬å¤„ä¸å�‘ç�°ç”Ÿæ´»çš„ç¾�好。生活ä¸ï¼Œå¥¹çˆ±å¥½è§‚看音ä¹�剧,由æ¤æ�¥è§¦æ–°çš„è¯è¨€å’Œæ–‡åŒ–,拓展视é‡�。